When Will Speedracers - Alpha Beta Launch?

Hey, so it's been a long time since the last update... Ahem, sorry for that. However, being a solo developer and a high-school student. A huge chunk of my time has gone handling the responsibilities of a high-school student, Although the good news is that I will be going to university from the next year onwards, Where I will end-up studying Computer Science! Which will also give me time to focus upon my game-dev projects! 🙂

Asides, enough about me. Speedracers has recently resumed production and to say, there's way many changes coming up for the alpha-beta release :)), We got a multiplayer this time alongside 5 levels (story-mode) & a practice-mode and with additional bug fixes and UI improvements. As a result, the promotional campaign for the game begins from CHRISTMAS 2024! It's really going to go HUGE from here onwards, Next year will be a delightful year. The alpha-beta will target an early 2025 release, it could be as early as January or It could be early April. But if its april, there would be 7-8 levels & a working demo of the multiplayer. As-well, we will be having new skins for the game! Which means, an entire shop-menu :D

Lots of changes are coming-by, And I can't help but be excited :))

Thank you for the support! Much appreciated <3


Aayush Arora 

Get Speedracers

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